Energy meeting seeking opinions
Powell River Peak
Everyone on Texada Island and the mainland of Powell River who wonders about the proposal for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal and power plant on Texada Island won't want to miss the public meeting and community forum at 7 pm on Monday, October 1 at the Powell River Town Centre Hotel.
Rafe Mair, BC's best-known political commentator and broadcaster, will moderate what should be a lively discussion of all the issues impacting the Powell River area.
"Residents from Texada are calling for a referendum on the proposed LNG megaproject, and residents throughout the region are calling for a moratorium on all future private power development," said Denise Reinhardt, one of the organizers of the meeting.
Chuck Childress, from Texada Action Now (TAN); Andy Ross, from Take Back the Power and president of COPE (Canadian Office and Professional Employees) Local 378; Tom Hackney from the Sierra Club BC Chapter; and Reinhardt, from the Powell River Chapter of the Council of Canadians, will speak briefly. Also invited are Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Richard Neufeld, and Minister of Environment Barry Penner, as well as representatives of the Tla'Amin (Sliammon) First Nation, directors of the Powell River Regional District, and mayor and council of the City of Powell River. Nicholas Simons, MLA for Powell River-Sunshine Coast, will welcome the communities and guests and open the event. Several other MLAs, Members of Parliament, and local government representatives have been also invited.
"Many community members on Texada have strongly objected to this plan, and they will speak out at this meeting on their concerns about safety, environmental degradation and the transformation of their community into Energy (for others) Central," said Reinhardt. "People in Powell River will have their first chance to have their say. And all will hear and discuss how BC's energy plan resulted in this proposal and what it means for the citizens here and throughout BC, both today and in the long term."
The event is sponsored by the Council of Canadians, the Sierra Club, COPE 378 and Take Back the Power. "The sponsors look forward to forming Malaspina Communities for Public Power, to work on the issues raised at the meeting."
A free shuttle will operate between the Westview ferry terminal and the Town Centre Hotel for Texada residents.
For more information, interested readers can contact Reinhardt, at 604.483.3683, or
©The Powell River Peak 2007
Everyone on Texada Island and the mainland of Powell River who wonders about the proposal for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal and power plant on Texada Island won't want to miss the public meeting and community forum at 7 pm on Monday, October 1 at the Powell River Town Centre Hotel.
Rafe Mair, BC's best-known political commentator and broadcaster, will moderate what should be a lively discussion of all the issues impacting the Powell River area.
"Residents from Texada are calling for a referendum on the proposed LNG megaproject, and residents throughout the region are calling for a moratorium on all future private power development," said Denise Reinhardt, one of the organizers of the meeting.
Chuck Childress, from Texada Action Now (TAN); Andy Ross, from Take Back the Power and president of COPE (Canadian Office and Professional Employees) Local 378; Tom Hackney from the Sierra Club BC Chapter; and Reinhardt, from the Powell River Chapter of the Council of Canadians, will speak briefly. Also invited are Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Richard Neufeld, and Minister of Environment Barry Penner, as well as representatives of the Tla'Amin (Sliammon) First Nation, directors of the Powell River Regional District, and mayor and council of the City of Powell River. Nicholas Simons, MLA for Powell River-Sunshine Coast, will welcome the communities and guests and open the event. Several other MLAs, Members of Parliament, and local government representatives have been also invited.
"Many community members on Texada have strongly objected to this plan, and they will speak out at this meeting on their concerns about safety, environmental degradation and the transformation of their community into Energy (for others) Central," said Reinhardt. "People in Powell River will have their first chance to have their say. And all will hear and discuss how BC's energy plan resulted in this proposal and what it means for the citizens here and throughout BC, both today and in the long term."
The event is sponsored by the Council of Canadians, the Sierra Club, COPE 378 and Take Back the Power. "The sponsors look forward to forming Malaspina Communities for Public Power, to work on the issues raised at the meeting."
A free shuttle will operate between the Westview ferry terminal and the Town Centre Hotel for Texada residents.
For more information, interested readers can contact Reinhardt, at 604.483.3683, or
©The Powell River Peak 2007