TAN filing in BC Hydro's 2008 LTAP
The BC Utilities Commission is reviewing BC Hydro's 2008 Long Term Acquisition Plan (LTAP). In an LTAP, BC Hydro describes what it views as likely demand scenarios, assesses its power generation and power purchase options, and maps out how it proposes to meet the future demand requirements.
An LTAP typically has a ten-year planning horizon; the scope of the 2008 LTAP is from 2009-2019.
Intervenors have an opportunity during a BCUC proceeding to ask questions of BC Hydro. BC Hydro in turn has a similar right to ask questions of intervenors. The question-answer process is done by means of Information Requests (IRs).
Texada Action Now is an intervenor in the 2008 LTAP proceeding. In earlier IRs, TAN has highlighted the statements that BC Hydro has made with respect to gas-fired generation in BC.
In summary, BC Hydro does not include any new gas-fired generation in any of its planning scenarios. Gas-fired generation has significant greenhouse gas emissions, and associated cost liabilities. And natural gas itself, which has exhibited great price volatility since 2000, brings with it considerable cost risks.
Burrard Thermal, which has been operating for nearly 50 years, is the single exception. BC Transmission Corp (BCTC) is proposing a new transmission line from the interior of the province to the lower mainland. Until that line is operating, BC Hydro is hoping to keep Burrard Thermal operating as a backup for periods of high demand or constrained supply.
But that's it. No gas-fired generation in BC Hydro's LTAP.
In the exchange of IRs, BC Hydro asked some questions of TAN. The response is informative. It was prepared by Richard Fletcher on behalf of TAN.
The schedule for the remainder of the LTAP proceeding is as follows:
05Jan - Intervenor Responses to IR
12Jan - BCUC Staff & Intervenors IR #3 on Evidentiary Update
12Jan - BCUC Panel IR #1, if any
10Feb - BC Hydro responses to BCUC Staff & Intervenors IR
13Feb - BC Hydro Direct Testimony & Rebuttal Evidence, if any
19Feb - Oral Public Hearing commences
An LTAP typically has a ten-year planning horizon; the scope of the 2008 LTAP is from 2009-2019.
Intervenors have an opportunity during a BCUC proceeding to ask questions of BC Hydro. BC Hydro in turn has a similar right to ask questions of intervenors. The question-answer process is done by means of Information Requests (IRs).
Texada Action Now is an intervenor in the 2008 LTAP proceeding. In earlier IRs, TAN has highlighted the statements that BC Hydro has made with respect to gas-fired generation in BC.
In summary, BC Hydro does not include any new gas-fired generation in any of its planning scenarios. Gas-fired generation has significant greenhouse gas emissions, and associated cost liabilities. And natural gas itself, which has exhibited great price volatility since 2000, brings with it considerable cost risks.
Burrard Thermal, which has been operating for nearly 50 years, is the single exception. BC Transmission Corp (BCTC) is proposing a new transmission line from the interior of the province to the lower mainland. Until that line is operating, BC Hydro is hoping to keep Burrard Thermal operating as a backup for periods of high demand or constrained supply.
But that's it. No gas-fired generation in BC Hydro's LTAP.
In the exchange of IRs, BC Hydro asked some questions of TAN. The response is informative. It was prepared by Richard Fletcher on behalf of TAN.
The schedule for the remainder of the LTAP proceeding is as follows:
05Jan - Intervenor Responses to IR
12Jan - BCUC Staff & Intervenors IR #3 on Evidentiary Update
12Jan - BCUC Panel IR #1, if any
10Feb - BC Hydro responses to BCUC Staff & Intervenors IR
13Feb - BC Hydro Direct Testimony & Rebuttal Evidence, if any
19Feb - Oral Public Hearing commences